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11th Grade: Change

What causes systemic change? 

Philadelphia’s School District has been struggling for quite some time now. School’s are extremely underfunded and there resources are limited yet the School District continues to make budget cuts. If the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers were not as outspoken as they were they would be forced to pay anywhere between $21 to $200 of their healthcare a month. That’s about 10 to 13 percent of an average teacher's salary. I am blessed to go to a school with so many connections that we are not as greatly affected as other schools in the city. Counselors and nurses are rarely present because they must work at various schools in several different neighborhoods. Basic necessities like books, paper and pencils are barely being provided, some schools have even been forced to close their libraries because they can’t afford to keep them open and running. This is an example of a broken system that needs to change and to do that you need to have the public interest such as these events had.

For systems to adapt it takes a communal effort. There needs to be community outrage for change to even be considered. Charity is when you provide people living in poverty with the essentials, but you’ll be able to recognize systemic change when they are able to help themselves. To make systemic change you have to address the root of the problem and not just the cusp of one situation. When trying to implement change you have to think big picture. Emotion fuels the fire. Gather enough interested people and you can’t be stopped.


What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change?

When I think of the word “sustainability” I also think about the words “long term.” For me even today, this is an especially difficult concept to consider. High School awards you with having options, but what about afterwards? You’ll probably hear from a teacher, counselor, or guardian that “you have to think long term.” If you decide to pursue a higher education, like I have, then you also must choose a field of study, something I have failed to do at this moment. The way I think of it is that before I’m able to create change and continue to have it be progressive and endure whatever may face it I have to apply the same ideas to myself.

I mentioned before when speaking about my identity and what I’ve learned over the years having attended three very different institutions, that I wasn’t always the best student. I fell into the wrong crowd and completely lost interest in remotely anything that occurred between the hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. It wasn’t until I started attending SLA that my way of thinking was changed. I began changing my habits, practicing self awareness and how my actions would have consequences. I started realizing that I could shape how I learned and it didn’t all have to be textbooks and tests. I was genuinely interested in what we were learning. Not only did SLA change me, but I changed myself. I wanted to be a better student so I was. I took the initiative and continued to work on myself and my assignments. By keeping these positive habits I was able to sustain change and keep balance in my life and I have never been happier. From this I learned that in order to create and sustain change it has to start with you.


What is the relationship between the self and the changing world?

Change is extremely difficult to become accustomed to. Having just a couple weeks left before graduation and then just a couple months before I begin school at the University of Pittsburgh gives me a range of emotions that at times can be troublesome to decipher. At a time where we’re still developing and figuring ourselves out, figuring how we fit into the world isn’t the easiest thing to do. Finding where you feel comfortable in belonging is key when interacting with a changing world. Of course you never want to stay there too long because the values and beliefs could change as quickly as your own do. In order to maintain a steady pace you have to do adapt along with the world. It’s hard to know what you want to get out of the lifetime that you were born in, I’m still figuring things out along with everybody else.

Technology has never been as advanced as it is today. We are known as the era of information. Things are accessible than ever before. The world seems bigger this way. But with all of this information being thrown at you, you can never be too sure which sources are trustworthy and which ones should be left up to debate. That’s why self-direction is so important during this time, as well as an understanding of other’s cultures and not just your own. There’s always going to be conflicting views but if you adopt the responsibility of educating yourself before taking any action we would live in a better world. Before you think of personal gain, think of societal gain because otherwise you’re going to get left in the lurch.


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