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12th Grade: Core Values

Core values, otherwise known as the most vital part of our institution. We use them everyday in and outside of school without even realizing. The process in which we go about doing any project which is when you get to the see the core values in action is something that I’ll take with me anywhere I go and was probably the most useful way of thinking I’ve been taught to date because it can applied to mostly anything. We practice using these skills everyday in and outside of the classroom.

At Science Leadership Academy we have a partnership with The Franklin Institute, a science museum in Philadelphia. Every wednesday the freshman class will go to TFI at 1 p.m. to continue their learning in different mini courses provided. They can range from topics ranging from computer programming to astronomy; there’s usually not a course you’ll read about that won’t interest you. This is a great opportunity for freshman because it allows them to explore different areas without having to commit to anything, or pay. They utilize the way of thinking we have at SLA and transfer it to this different environment.

In later years, including the sophomore and junior classes, TFI is upgraded to the Individualized Learning Plan, or ILP. This is when you really begin to customize your learning. The ILP program takes place the same time TFI would unless you set up to take place another day, but primarily it will occur on wednesdays. There are endless possibilities when it comes to your ILP because it’s entirely up to you on what you want to do based on what grasps your attention. In Sophomore year I worked at the Philadelphia Art Museum as an assistant art teacher, teaching kids in grades k-8. It was a riveting experience for me and really awakened my interest in art and teaching.

12th grade is definitely a difficult year to navigate. Applications for colleges begin and that pretty much takes up the majority of your time. You’re thinking about the future while at the same time trying to finish out your last year strong but SLA has taught us well enough on how to navigate difficult situations because it all starts with inquiry and never ends without reflection.


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